Brandy Lyn
Creator + Director of The Ivy Standard Yoga Institute

Brandy Lyn has been practicing and teaching yoga for about 20 years! She attended Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Fall 2006 and was the 2010 International Yoga Champion. In 2020, when the yoga world desperately needed a way to stay connected - Brandy Lyn founded The Ivy Standard Yoga Institute.
Brandy has taught students all over the world and has years of experience leading Teacher Trainings. She loves working with an experienced teacher to elevate their skillset and seeing all of her students grow through a disciplined practice. She has dedicated countless hours teaching and practicing the 26&2 and the 84 Asanas (aka advanced class) from the Ghosh lineage. In 2017, Brandy fell in love with the Ashtanga yoga system and Ashtanga is her primary practice. In 2023, she spent a month in Mysore practicing at the Sharath Yoga Centre. She is working on the 4th series of the Ashtanga system and incorporates much of the Ashtanga system into her teaching.
As the mother of three young children, Brandy has come to realize that the real yoga happens off the mat. Yoga asana is essential to her in navigating through this ever-evolving life with grace and ease.
Currently, Brandy lives in Utah and is the director of The Ivy Standard Yoga Institute; a yoga school dedicated to the development and training of yoga teachers. ISYI offers some online classes, as well as many in-person events throughout the year. Brandy can be found teaching at these seminars, retreats, camps, and trainings worldwide.